A downloadable demo for Windows and Linux

Evolving City Generation is a demo showing a procedural generation algorithm that allows to generate a city in a top-down 2D tile-based world.

  • The purpose of the algorithm is to simulate the birth and the growth of a settlement that follows a spontaneous architecture pattern (for instance a medieval village, or a modern slum).
  • The algorithm is intended to be real-time (even though it's not optimized yet).
  • The demo also contains an algorithm that allows to generate a 3D hip roof for any kind of tile-based shape.

This was an abandoned project developed between 2018 and 2019 with the main goal of learning 3D programming, OpenGL and shaders. I just added a tutorial and polished the code and the folder structure a bit.

Check out the repository on Github!

PlatformsWindows, Linux
Tagsdemo, Sandbox, Top-Down
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Evolving City Generation (Windows) 42 MB
Evolving City Generation (Linux) 46 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip and launch one of the executables.

Each executable has a different configuration, you can choose whether to launch it fullscreen or in window mode, and between Low, Medium and High quality graphics settings according to your hardware specifications.

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